Tuesday 5 May 2015

Captain Haddock's Election Blog

We are on the verge of the 2015 general election and all of the opinion polls are saying we are in for a close result. However, there is only one real choice, between David Cameron who has nothing in common with the people of Grimsby, and Ed Miliband who represents working people. Grimsby is a poor working class town that has suffered over the last 5 years at the hands of this evil Tory-Lib Dem coalition. At least with the Mariners going to Wembley we have something to look forward to locally.

In Grimsby it looks like the election will be battle between Labour's Mel Onn and the vile Victoria Ayling representing Ukip this time - how can you trust a creature like Ayling when she moves from one right wing party to the next, National Front to Conservative and now Ukip. Those of you thinking about voting Ukip, if they win, Grimsby will be come an irrelevancy at national level.

Our neighbours in Cleethorpes have an interesting battle between Vickers the current Tory MP who in 5 years will be remembered for nothing he did for Cleethorpes, apart from voting for the bedroom tax, and the Labour candidate Peter Keith. A vote for the Lib Dem 's is a waste of time, and a vote for the Greens or TUSC will just split Labour's vote and benefit the Tories. How on earth can you take TUSC's Cleethorpes candidate seriously - Malcolm Morland was the Lib Dem candidate in 2010, what a joke!!

This is the only time every 5 years when we are equal and my vote is no less importance than any wanker who runs a big business and rants on in the Tory press about how good the Tories are - yes for greedy exploitative money grabbing bastards like them! Anyway, if it's good enough for that right wing piece of shite, 'The Sun' to endorse a political party then so can I (and unlike Murdoch I actually live in the UK and have a vote here, whereas, that undemocratic bastard just makes comments). The right wing media don't control social media!!! On the 7th May it's important for the future of North East Lincolnshire, and Britain that people  (and all you good trade unionists flirting with TUSC) vote Labour. People of Grimsby vote for your locally born Labour candidate - Mel Onn, and those of you in Cleethorpes vote for the Labour candidate, Peter Keith. It's going to be a big week for the area with hopefully a new Labour Government, and a Mariners victory over Bristol Rovers in the play off final and a return to the football league were we belong.

UTM and Vote Labour,
Captain Haddock

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