Wednesday 29 April 2015

Captain Haddock's Election Blog

There is just over a week to go before the general election. I can imagine most of you will be pleased when it's over and are probably sick of seeing the party leaders on television. It looks like the result will be close, but the reality is - do you want a posh bastard like David Cameron back in charge, or Ed Miliband because there is no other choice. The people of Grimsby can vote Ukip or any other party but it's a complete waste of time. In fact, the more Victoria Ayling appears on television the less likely anyone would ever want to vote for that ex-National Front, ex-Conservative joke candidate. It will be interesting to see if she puts her money were her mouth is and sues the Mail on Sunday regarding the allegations about her comments over her son!

I'm not saying that Ed Miliband is the answer to our working class prayers but he will be considerably better than David Cameron who doesn't even like working people, never mind non-working people. If he gets elected there will be nothing left for working people - no meangful NHS or an education system, but then again what does he care being an Old Etonian like most of his posh mates. Grimsby has got a lot worse over the last five years with poverty increasing, but there is hope for the future with the new renewable industries and being the gateway to Europe (whatever lunacy Ayling spouts!), and finally moving on both physically and emotionally from the fishing industry.

Those of you who are thinking of voting for one of the smaller parties, such as the Greens or TUSC, just remember there is no chance of your candidate being elected and all you are doing is splitting the working class vote, and helping both the Tories and Ukip who have total contempt for us!

Captain Haddock

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