Sunday 20 September 2015

Well congratulations to Jeremy Corbyn the new Labour leader, and Tom Watson the deputy leader. It was a landslide victory for Jeremy Corbyn with nearly 60% of the vote, and Watson won relatively easily. However, if you listen to the London based media you would think otherwise, the usual suspects - The Sun; Daily Mail; Daily Express etc have all been an utter disgrace. They talk of a divided party but with nearly 60% of the membership supporting him it is not divided, and those Labour MP's like Simon Danczuk need to remember this - it's MP's that are out of line with party thinking.

Then we had the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn for not singing the national anthem, which is nothing but a pro-royalist dirge anyway - even Scotland and Wales have their own! He stood in respectful silence to honour those ordinary men and women who fought and helped to defeat Nazism, while some of the British ruling class and royalty were cosying up to Hitler and Mussolini, and as we now know even the queen was doing her Nazi salute!! At least Jeremy Corbyn now has time to get used to being in charge and prepare for the future as we enter the conference season, and it should be a united Labour conference behind him. The good thing though is less and less people read the right wing press, especially the younger population who now use social media, and many of these will be able to vote in 2020, and hopefully 'generation rent' will sweep middle england away for good! And Assam Allam can just fuck off!!

The refugee scenes from Hungary look more hopeless by the day, not helped by a right-wing Hungarian Prime Minister, even though ordinary Hungarians are trying to help. It was good to see Corbyn heading to a rally about the refugee crisis immediately after being elected Labour leader, but typical of David Cameron that he flew out a few days later to a refugee camp - going doesn't mean you actually care!

It was good to see the Mariners keeping their unbeaten run going with a late equaliser at Chester, and then another draw (they should have won) in Friday's televised clash with Tranmere. I expect both Tranmere and us, along with Forest Green battling it out for the title come next April. Finally, hats off to the Japanese rugby team for beating South Africa!!!

Captain Haddock

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