Saturday 7 February 2015

I'm sat here watching Celebrity Big Brother, a modern day freak show - many of our television channels are full of this endless cheap TV, from sending people nobody has heard of down some ski slope hosted by Davina the queen of reality television, to our very own poverty pawn show, skint.

I watched the recent series of Skint for a couple of reasons, to see how bad Grimsby was portrayed, and to see how many people were on who I knew. I did think the programme could have been a lot worse in its portrayal of the town and its people. I didn't watch it when it was filmed in Scunthorpe but those who did tell me it was a lot worse. I think it showed how close knit Grimsby is and how we look after our own. I do think it's an absolute disgrace that a London based production company having chosen Scunthorpe to pray upon should then move thirty five miles east to pick on us. They could have chosen any town or city in the country but again they chose another northern town so the southerners can have a good laugh at our expense.

Anyway, going back to Celebrity Big Brother, it has been an example of how bullying is allowed to take place without anybody stopping it. It has given a platform for Katie Hopkins to put forward her vile right wing views, and the majority of weak personalities around her have let her get away with it, apart from obviously Perez and Nadia. Hopkins already has a voice in her column in The Sun which is another vile newspaper like the Daily Mail. Her despicable comments about the Scottish nurse who contracted ebola were down right racist, and her comments about the north show what a right wing racist bigot she really is - what's on BBC2!!


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