Monday 5 December 2016

Just to let you all know that the captain has just sailed back into town, and everything has changed - Clumber Place has gone, but my flat is still standing (just). What on earth has happened to the world? The Americans have elected a complete nutter as President, even though the majority of them actually voted for crooked Hilary! Their election system is worse than ours. Why didn't they put Bernie Sanders up against Trump - as for Farage, that tin pot fascist can fuck right off, he's so far up Trump's arse why doesn't he just fuck off to America with his right wing racist views.

Jeremy Corbyn is still the leader of the Labour Party even though the war criminal thanks he can swan back into British politics and rescue us all!! Blair needs instead to take a trip to the Netherlands, perhaps the Hague and sit himself down in the dock while he's tried for war crimes. Anyway, I'm sure Alistair Campbell has already set out the timetable for the next attempted coup against Corbyn. This time any Labour MP who attempts to undermine him should be de-selected and expelled from the Labour Party, and it's also about time Blair was expelled as well!

It's all change at Grimsby Town FC with that miserable short arsed Yorkie clearing off to Shrewsbury with his even more miserable side kick, in all honesty - thank you Paul for getting us out of non-league, and good luck at Shrewsbury because you're going to need it. I predict he'll be out of a job and relegated by the summer. However, a massive welcome to Marcus Bignot, already a breath of fresh air with a real tactical understanding of football and urge to win - let the good times roll. Marcus realises that at a club like Grimsby Town the supporters really matter.

Anyway, can't wait until our next home game against Portsmouth - Fishermen vs. the navy - just remember we've already pissed on your fish!


Captain Haddock

PS - if you're still looking for a Christmas present for one of your youngsters, why not try 'Torc' by local writer Eamonn Griffin.