Monday 5 December 2016

Just to let you all know that the captain has just sailed back into town, and everything has changed - Clumber Place has gone, but my flat is still standing (just). What on earth has happened to the world? The Americans have elected a complete nutter as President, even though the majority of them actually voted for crooked Hilary! Their election system is worse than ours. Why didn't they put Bernie Sanders up against Trump - as for Farage, that tin pot fascist can fuck right off, he's so far up Trump's arse why doesn't he just fuck off to America with his right wing racist views.

Jeremy Corbyn is still the leader of the Labour Party even though the war criminal thanks he can swan back into British politics and rescue us all!! Blair needs instead to take a trip to the Netherlands, perhaps the Hague and sit himself down in the dock while he's tried for war crimes. Anyway, I'm sure Alistair Campbell has already set out the timetable for the next attempted coup against Corbyn. This time any Labour MP who attempts to undermine him should be de-selected and expelled from the Labour Party, and it's also about time Blair was expelled as well!

It's all change at Grimsby Town FC with that miserable short arsed Yorkie clearing off to Shrewsbury with his even more miserable side kick, in all honesty - thank you Paul for getting us out of non-league, and good luck at Shrewsbury because you're going to need it. I predict he'll be out of a job and relegated by the summer. However, a massive welcome to Marcus Bignot, already a breath of fresh air with a real tactical understanding of football and urge to win - let the good times roll. Marcus realises that at a club like Grimsby Town the supporters really matter.

Anyway, can't wait until our next home game against Portsmouth - Fishermen vs. the navy - just remember we've already pissed on your fish!


Captain Haddock

PS - if you're still looking for a Christmas present for one of your youngsters, why not try 'Torc' by local writer Eamonn Griffin.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

I've been off line for a few months and everything has changed. We have got rid of David Cameron and his village idiot friend, George Osborne. We have a new female Prime Minister, who will hopefully be more like Harold MacMillan and less like Thatcher, but I doubt it!

We now have Brexit, which in itself is an act of complete stupidity, instead of trying to lead Europe, you have Cameron giving people the choice to leave - never give people a choice that you don't really want. Who knows what is likely to happen to the Humber region and Grimsby? Grimsby voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU but government after government have left the town behind, so there was no wonder the voters of the town rejected the pro-EU message being rammed down their throats.

The Labour Party is in a mess - you have the membership overwhelmingly supporting Jeremy Corbyn a year ago, and the PLP not wanting him as leader. The majority of the PLP, including Hilary Benn and that two faced coward Tom Watson (who went off to Glastonbury while others did his dirty work), and even our own MP Melanie Onn have rejected Corbyn. This is a time when the Labour movement should be united in attacking the new Conservative government but instead they're attacking Jeremy Corbyn, many of these plotters were MP's who backed Tony Blair's illegal war in Iraq. The real answer is to de-select and expel the majority of these Labour MP's if they don't support the leader. This split really reflects the difference between an out of touch London based political elite who think they know best, and the rest who have had enough of their arrogant and patronising behaviour. I hope that Jeremy Corbyn gets an even bigger mandate than last year and wipes the floor with all of those treacherous bastards plotting against him.

Anyway, at least we have some positives with Grimsby Town regaining its place back in the football league after a thrilling victory over Forest Green Rovers. I will never forget the moment that Nathan Arnold slotted home the winning goal during injury time that confirmed our promotion. The summer has been taken up with Paul Hurst re-building his squad to take on the football league - starting with Morecambe at Blunder Park on Saturday.

Who knows what the future holds for Grimsby Town, the Grimsby area, the Labour Party, the new Tory government, Brexit or the UK!!!

Up the Mariners,

Captain Haddock.

PS - Toby Young is a twat!

Sunday 20 March 2016

This week has seen the latest episode of the Tory civil war - it started with George Osborne's budget, and once again he has had to admit that the state of the UK finances are in a mess. However, after six years his excuses are wearing thin, along with his credibility and chances of ever leading the Tories. However, don't focus on the economic mess, let's all rejoice that we now have a sugar tax!! In actual fact we have a tax on some sugary drinks in two years time - even though Jamie Oliver got excited about it, it's hardly a seismic shift! This on its own will have little impact on obesity levels - it's just another tax on the poor and a way of diverting attention from the state of the economy, but after Ian Duncan Smith's resignation (after finding a heart - perhaps he's been to see the Wizard of Oz) and bizarre justification, fizzy drinks is the last of Gideon Osborne's worries!!!

Well England began their campaign in the T20 cricket world cup losing their first game to the West Indies - unfortunately, they met Chris Gayle in one of those truly unstoppable moods. However, they bounced back in impressive style with a massive win against South Africa.

Grimsby had a disappointing result at Guiseley on Tuesday, twice coming back to equalise, and after Saturday's results I'm sure there will still be many ups and downs before the season is over. However, realistically it'll be the play-offs again and after last years experience, hopefully promotion. This weekend we had the second leg of our FA Trophy semi-final against Bognor Regis, and even though we beat them 1 - nil the previous Saturday at Bognor, they gave a spirited performance before the Mariners won 2 - 1 to secure our Wembley appearance, but credit needs to go to their goalie who after being injured pulled off a string of impressive saves, and Padraig Amond with his 31st and 32nd goals of the season. I don't know how many of you have noticed but the FA Trophy final is a double header with the FA Vase final, both the day after the FA Cup final, which just happens to be a week after the National League play-off final on Sunday 15th May, so the FA Trophy final could be a massive promotion party (or wake!).

While I was away I kept myself entertained by reading 'The Prospect of this City' by local author Eamonn Griffin. It's a historical novel set in and around the Great fire of London in 1666, of course without giving to much away, the city of London burns down and is re-built by Sir Christopher Wren, with St Paul's Cathedral being the crowning symbol of Charles II's newly built London. Eamonn manages to transport you back to the squalor of late-medieval London, emerging from outbreaks of the plague, and austerity of Cromwellian England. This is when he is at his best, describing the awful conditions of life, and even the feel and smell of the printed copy reminded me of cold beef fat! He intertwines a fast paced action story into this world, clearly showing his research of this specific period with the odd authentic term and vulgar expression of the period. The story takes you on an unexpected, but in another way a predictable conclusion. I look forward to Eamonn Griffin's next book, either the further adventures of some of the key characters, or perhaps another period of British history, because he clearly has a gift of bringing history to life. I highly recommend this book as an excellent read.

Anyway, I better go and plan my trip to Wembley.

Captain Haddock

Sunday 13 March 2016

After several months at sea, it's always nice to turn into the Humber with the Dock Tower and the flats on the horizon - you know you're home!

A lot has happened while I've been away, such as, the Conservative party openly tearing itself apart over its ridiculous decision to give the British people a vote over EU membership. David Cameron may well end up regretting this and getting the outcome he dreads! The film 'Grimsby' has now been released worldwide, and even though I don't like the thought of some southern ex-Cambridge posh boy coming up and taking the piss out of the north, it could have been a lot worse.

The Mariners are in third place, after an excellent win at second placed Forest Green, and we are 1 - nil up in our two legged semi-final against Bognor Regis in the FA Trophy with a Wembley final as a reward for the winners.

I watched the X-files for the first time in years the other night, and apart from Moulder and Scully looking years older (like us all), it was a bizarre episode featuring an Islamic terrorist in a coma, and Moulder trying to communicate with him by taking LSD! It was like Homeland crossed with a Cheech and Chong film from the 1970's and 80's - and not a UFO in sight!

Anyway, while I was away I read 'The Prospect of this City' by local writer Eamonn Griffin, but more of that next time.

Captain Haddock